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Audit of financial statements and other assurance services
Audit today is a mandatory part of the legislation of all countries of the world. Any company that adheres to the correctness of operations and the use of all the benefits offered by auditing standards would introduce the obligation to audit financial statements even without legal regulations. The audit enables all interested parties (owners, managers, the state) to have certainty in the statements they receive from the respective companies and make their future decisions based on them, as well as to ensure appropriate cooperation within the business entity.

Accounting services
Accounting is a discipline that deals with the recording of all financial transactions that occur in a business organization. It is exclusively of a historical nature, ie data are recorded that can be proven to have already happened. Quality accounting is a prerequisite for successful business.
Tax consulting
If you have a dilemma and want to discuss it with experts in the field of income tax, withholding tax and the application of international agreements on the avoidance of double taxation, VAT, income tax, contributions and other taxes, we are here for you ...

Other professional studies
If you need experts in the field of business restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, division of companies, we are here for you ...
Tax consulting
If you have a dilemma and want to discuss it with experts in the field of income tax, withholding tax and the application of international agreements on the avoidance of double taxation, VAT, income tax, contributions and other taxes, we are here for you ...